"Macha! How can this Juice counter be so long? You can have The Last Supper on this", mocked Su while discussing the interiors of the hotel project. "The layout will obviously have to change", I replied thoughtfully, "Who would serve supper at the Juice bar?"
Su persisted, "See, the idea of having a bar is that people get too drunk to go home, and check into a room at the hotel."
"Your plan is good, but it can't get a sanction." I announced. When I had everyone's attention, I continued "The Airport Authority won't let you get so high!"
Kid Rock's Devil Without A Cause marked the end of the discussion, which then turned to our senior engineer liking metal music. To the trainee who questioned that in disbelief, I replied, pointing over her shoulder, "Oh yeah, he's as big a metal fan as that!"
And smiling back from the wall behind, making her lock of hair sway in its breeze, was an innocent, wall mounted, Metal Fan!